Most of the objects known as the Eagles' nests was founded during the reign of Casimir the great. The castles were to guard the border of the Kingdom of Poland and its capital, Crakov, mainly against the onslaught of the Czechs from Silesia. Today, most of the fortress is in ruins. The originator of the wyznakowania trail to the main attractions of the Krakowsko-Częstochowska in the interwar years was Stanislaw Leszczycki, while route design similar to the present and linking Cracov with Częstochowa introduced after World War II known tourism promoter Prof. Kazimierz Sosnowski (1875-1954). The stretch between Smoleniem and Częstochowa trail is within the limits of the Silesian Voivodeship. The main attractions in this episode include natural oddities. In the landscape of the Krakowsko-Czestochowa we can admire the characteristic form of limestone, as ostańce rock, carved in limestone valleys, and caves. Trail of the Eagles ' nests runs through valuable protected areas, which include nature reserves at the top of the Congregations in the Valley of the Wiercicy and in the mountains Sokolich. The most interesting and picturesque Aquiline Sockets on this route are the ruins of the castles in the Smoleniu, Ogrodzieńcu, Morsku, Bobolice (now restored), Mirów and Olsztyn in Częstochowa. Among other sights on the trail and in his immediate area, you can also replace the chateaus in Pilica and Gold Creek and churches in Pilica, Niegowej, Gold Creek, Zrębicach and Olsztyn.